Pictured is a portion of the property recently acquired by Southbury Land Trust. The property had been approved for a building lot.
Southbury Land Trust Acquisition Protects Critical Link to Open Space Preserves
(Southbury, CT) Southbury Land Trust is pleased to announce the purchase of a 5.9-acre parcel of land located off the cul-de-sac on Silver Beech Road in eastern Southbury. This property is a critical link to SLT’s Phillips Farm and Lovdal Farm Preserves, two environmentally significant properties and popular public open space sanctuaries in Southbury. “The Silver Beech parcel is one of the smaller properties SLT has purchased, but it is also one of the most strategically important conservation parcels,” said Southbury Land Trust President, Joe Ruggiero.
Preservation of this approved building lot from development protects and provides both environmental and public benefits. The parcel contains a spring-fed stream, and other seasonal streams that drain directly into adjacent Phillips Farm Preserve’s unique fen wetland, which is home to state-listed threatened species. The parcel also contains diverse wildlife habitat itself, including a vernal pool.
The purchase improves recreational access, as well, since the Silver Beech Parcel is directly adjacent to several popular nature trails, including Southbury Land Trust’s well-used 5K cross country trail. Preservation also protects the scenic ridgeline view along “Drumlin Hill,” on Lovdal Preserve, which is visible from surrounding farmland and the entire neighborhood beyond.
“The Land Trust is so grateful to the landowners Jim and Kathryn Defilippis for giving our conservation concerns such a fair hearing, and ultimately for agreeing to sell this keystone parcel to SLT,” said SLT Board Member Anne Colby, the lead on the acquisitions team. “Since this year marks the 20th anniversary of the successful preservation of adjacent Phillips Farm Preserve, I can’t think of a more appropriate way to celebrate this anniversary than to protect- at long last- this crucial ‘missing link’ in the surrounding nature sanctuary.’”
Southbury Land Trust is a private 501(c)3 conservation organization incorporated in 1978. To date more than 2,000 acres have been protected forever. These parcels and preserves include farms, forests, meadows, and important watercourses. Southbury Land Trust's Mission is to preserve and protect farmland, open space, and natural resources, along with the plants and wildlife within, for the benefit of present and future residents of Southbury.